
KWILS Management Committee

KWILS Man­age­ment Com­mit­tee at 2023 AGM

The KWILS Man­age­ment Com­mit­tee is made up of eight adult, female, North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry res­i­dents who rep­re­sent a broad cross-sec­tion of the community. 

The Man­age­ment Com­mit­tee mem­bers are vol­un­teers, who give their time and exper­tise to design and ful­fil the strate­gic direc­tion of KWILS.

The women who sit on the KWILS Man­age­ment Com­mit­tee are pas­sion­ate about deliv­er­ing social jus­tice and access to legal ser­vices to vul­ner­a­ble women and women in cri­sis across Kather­ine and the Big Rivers Region. 

If you would like to join KWILS as a mem­ber or apply to sit on the KWILS Man­age­ment Com­mit­tee, please con­tact CEO Han­nah George on hannah.​george@​kwils.​com.​au

Our Con­sti­tu­tion can be accessed here.



Chair - Kaitlin Fitzpatrick

I’m a social worker with a deep passion for trauma-informed practice advocacy, and community-driven change. Having worked in both Melbourne and Katherine, I’ve had the privilege of supporting individuals and families facing complex challenges, particularly in the areas of mental health, alcohol and other drugs (AoD), and out-of-home care.

My work has been heavily focused on engaging with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, ensuring that services are culturally safe and grounded in strengths-based approaches. I have lived in Katherine for the past five years, and getting involved in the community is important to me. I have been on the KWILS management committee since December 2022, starting as Deputy Chair and then moving to my current position as Chairperson since November 2023.

I’m committed to using my experience in policy development, stakeholder engagement, and frontline service delivery to advocate for stronger, more accessible support systems for those affected by domestic violence.

Deputy Chair - Page McMillan

From a tiny country town in remote WA to the wide-open spaces of the NT. I made the big leap to the Territory nearly nine years ago—and somehow, I’m still here. For eight of those years, I lived and worked with in remote communities throughout the Territory, including five years of commuting Monday to Friday from Katherine to some of the most incredible communities in the Big Rivers region.

Currently, I’m the General Manager of Life Ed NT, on a mission to empower young people (yes, Healthy Harold is still alive and kicking). I’m incredibly passionate about the work of KWILS, supporting women across the Big Rivers communities and working towards a future where all women feel safe, heard, and strong.

But my most challenging (and rewarding) job yet? Maternity leave… and Parenthood. Eight years ago, I met my amazing husband in Darwin, and now we’re in the thick of raising our gorgeous Georgie—who already keeps us on our toes more than any remote job ever did!

Treasurer - Olive Fawkner

I’ve been a proud resident of Katherine, NT, for 14 years, having grown up here and completed all my schooling locally. This has given me a deep connection to our community.

I currently work as a Community Engagement Worker at Headspace Katherine, where I collaborate with the community to break down barriers and challenge the stigma surrounding mental health and seeking support. I’m passionate about social justice and equity and am committed to ensuring that everyone in our community has fair access to the support and services they need.

Secretary - Simone Norris

This is my sixth year in Katherine and my second year on the KWILS Management Committee. I’ve been very grateful to have the opportunity to contribute in a very small way to KWILS’ mission. I share KWILS’ vision of a future where all women and their children are safe and treated with dignity and respect.

I work with a similar philosophy in my role as preschool teacher at MacFarlane Primary School, where I do my best to create learning environments where all children and their families feel culturally safe, welcome and respected. This year will be my third year of teaching in what feels like a natural progression after 16 years of community development work, education related roles and a little bit of social justice and campaign work. These pursuits have taken me from Tassie to Taipei, then Beijing, Melbourne, and finally to Katherine. An eclectic mix of locations and roles with two recurring themes: education, and women and girls’ empowerment.

Committee Member - Sam Phelan

I have lived in the NT for nearly 30 years, the last eight in Katherine, and have worked in remote communities of the Greater Katherine Region as a self-employed veterinarian for much of that. More recently I have worked as a consultant for environmental organisations tackling climate and water security in our region and have previously contributed to maternity and educational reform in the Territory. I have Board and program management experience in the not for profit and government sectors.

I have a beautiful partner and together we have raised our three daughters who are now beginning to spread their wings. I have a strong commitment to healing communities, and see much work required locally and globally. With lived experience of sexual and domestic violence, I have a desire to make KWILS as strong as possible.