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Get help
Katherine & Big Rivers Region Services
If it is an emergency, call the NT Police on 000.

Accommodation for women and children, and outreach services
Accommodation for women and children, and outreach services

Counselling, information and support for sexual assault
For 24 hours support, contact Darwin SARC 08 8922 6472 or Alice Springs 08 8955 4500

Safe houses across Big Rivers
Ngukurr (operated by Territory Families): 08 8975 443
Yarralin (operated by Territory Families): 08 8975 1103
Borroloola (operated by Mabunji Aboriginal Resource Association): 08 8975 8738
Beswick/Wugularr (operated by Territory Families): 08 8975 4464
Kalkarindji (operated by Territory Families): 08 8975 1179
Lajamanu (operated by Territory Families): 08 8975 0373

Health Services, including social and emotional wellbeing, for all people in the Katherine West Region