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Other legal services in the NT

Top End Women's Legal Service (TEWLS)
Free legal services for all women in the Top End

Central Australian Women's Legal Service (CAWLS)
Free legal services for all women in Central Australia and the Barkly Region

North Australian Aboriginal Family Legal Service (NAAFLS)
Legal representation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in matters relating to domestic, family, and sexual violence

North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA)
Civil, family, and criminal law services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across the Northern Territory
1800 897 728 (Katherine Office)

Domestic Violence Legal Service (DVLS)
Legal services for people in Darwin and the Greater Darwin area who have experienced domestic, family, and/or sexual violence

Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission (NTLAC)
Civil, family, and criminal legal services for people across the Northern Territory