In our Community

KWILS Out and About - Events and Activities

The KWILS team love to be a part of com­mu­ni­ty events — whether it be NAIDOC Week, Youth Week, Pride Fes­ti­val, Com­mu­ni­ty Fes­ti­vals and Expo, or com­ing along to vis­it playgroups.

We bring along inter­est­ing and engag­ing activ­i­ties to run at events for women and chil­dren to start con­ver­sa­tions about gen­der equal­i­ty, and how KWILS can work with you, your fam­i­ly and community.

Please let us know if you have any events hap­pen­ing, or would like to part­ner with us for an event, by email­ing info@​kwils.​com.​au or Siobhan.​Mackay@​kwils.​com.​au

KWILS Events planned for 2024

  • Reclaim the Night (Nov)

If you would like to know more about these events, please con­tact Siobhan.​Mackay@​kwils.​com.​au

Upcom­ing com­mu­ni­ty events KWILS will be attending

  • TBA

For more infor­ma­tion about any of these events, please con­tact the organ­is­er or info@​kwils.​com.​au

Com­mu­ni­ty events KWILS have been part of in 2024:

  • Oct: ABA Kather­ine Chil­dren’s Week Expo
  • Sept: Kather­ine Jus­tice Rein­vest­ment Symposium
  • Sept: Run Against Violence 
  • Sept: Kather­ine All Abil­i­ties Expo
  • July: NAIDOC Week 
  • June: Kather­ine Pride Fes­ti­val Fam­i­ly Fun Day
  • June: Barun­ga Festival
  • March: Kather­ine Youth Expo
  • Feb­ru­ary: Tin­dal Expo

In 2024 KWILS hosted:

  • July: Law Week screening 
  • May & July: Cup­pa for Safe­ty & Sol­i­dar­i­ty (part of Nation­al Ral­lies Against Violence)
  • March: Inter­na­tion­al Wom­en’s Day March

Com­mu­ni­ty events KWILS have been part of in 2023:

  • 26 Octo­ber 2023: Reclaim the Night March
  • 26 Sep­tem­ber 2023: NT Day of Action Against DFSV
  • Sep­tem­ber 2023: Run Against Violence
  • 23 August 2023: Big Rivers Career Expo
  • 11 August 2023: Kather­ine’s Home­less­ness Week Event
  • 6 August 2023: Yarralin Festival
  • 5 August 2023: Tim­ber Creek Festival
  • 3 August 2023: Breast­feed­ing Week Morn­ing Tea
  • 7 July 2023: NAIDOC Week March
  • 4 July 2023: Con­nect­ed Begin­nings Pro­gram Launch
  • 27 June 2023: Kather­ine Lit­er­a­cy Festival
  • 30 May 2023: Com­mu­ni­ties for Chil­dren Morn­ing Tea: Clos­ing the Gap Targets
  • 14 April 2023: Kalano Com­mu­ni­ty Fun Day
  • 14 April 2023: Kather­ine Youth Week Pool Party
  • 13 April 2023: Rock­hole Com­mu­ni­ty Fun Day
  • 13 April 2023: Aus­tralian Breast­feed­ing Asso­ci­a­tion Fam­i­ly Expo
  • 11 April 2023: Bin­jari Com­mu­ni­ty Fun Day
  • 1 April 2023 Dar­win Youth Conference
  • 1 April 2023: Joy of Many Colours Fash­ion Parade (Con­nect­ed Women Katherine)
  • 16 March 2023: Kather­ine Seniors Expo (COTA NT)
  • 8 March 2023: Inter­na­tion­al Wom­en’s Day Morn­ing Tea at GYRAAC (Kather­ine Town Council)
  • 8 March 2023: Inter­na­tion­al Wom­en’s Day Lunch at Kather­ine Club
  • 14, 21, 28 Feb­ru­ary, and 7 March 2023: Inter­na­tion­al Wom­en’s Day Open Stu­dios at Kather­ine Region­al Arts
  • 8 March 2023: Inter­na­tion­al Wom­en’s Day March across the High Lev­el Bridge
  • 7 March 2023: Inter­na­tion­al Wom­en’s Day Wom­en’s Busi­ness” Exhi­bi­tion at Top Didj Gallery
  • 3 March 2023: No Woman Left Behind Con­fer­ence Expo in Darwin
  • Nation­al Con­dom Day — Wurli Wurlin­jang host­ed @ Kather­ine Town Square
  • Wel­come to Kather­ine expo — RAAF Base Tindal 
  • ABA Kather­ine Play­group — host­ed at KWILS’ Office

In 2023, KWILS have hosted:

  • Legal Ser­vices NAIDOC Week breakfast
  • Law Week KLAW-WALK — Legal Ser­vices Walk and Com­mu­ni­ty breakfast
  • Inter­na­tion­al Wom­en’s Day: Open Studios
  • Inter­na­tion­al Wom­en’s Day: March across the Bridge and Com­mu­ni­ty event

In 2022, KWILS hosted:

  • Legal Ser­vices NAIDOC Week breakfast
  • Inter­na­tion­al Wom­en’s Day: Open Studios
  • Inter­na­tion­al Wom­en’s Day: March across the Bridge and Com­mu­ni­ty event

Com­mu­ni­ty events KWILS attend­ed in 2022

  • Free­dom Day Fes­ti­val — Kalka­rind­ji and Dagaragu
  • Barun­ga Fes­ti­val — Barunga
  • Men­tal Health Week Morn­ing Tea — Wurli Wurlin­jang Health Service
  • Djar­maluk Fes­ti­vals — Beswick (Wugu­larr)
  • Kather­ine Pride Fes­ti­val — Fam­i­ly Fun Day
  • Youth Expos — Kather­ine and Darwin
  • Kather­ine Seniors Expo 
  • Chil­dren’s Week Morn­ing Tea — Kather­ine Adven­ture Playground 
  • NAIDOC Week events
  • Inter­na­tion­al Wom­en’s Day activities
  • Nation­al Sor­ry Day

In 2021, KWILS hosted

  • Inter­na­tion­al Wom­en’s Day
  • March For Justice
  • Screen­ing of The Chil­dren in the Pictures
  • Spo­ken Word event for Inter­na­tion­al Day for the Elim­i­na­tion of Vio­lence Against Women and Girls
  • Screen­ing of The Jus­tice of Bun­ny King with the Kather­ine Film Soci­ety for the Inter­na­tion­al Day for the Elim­i­na­tion of Vio­lence Against Women and Girls